TP Firewall Ridge
TP Club Hell Landing
TP Club Hell
TP Abraxas North
TP Acid North
TP Agena North
TP AntiCMOS North
TP Byte Bandit North
TP Commwarrior North
TP Creeper North
TP Eliza North
TP Elk Cloner North
TP Graybird North
TP Koko North
TP MacMag North
TP Masterpass
TP Natas North
TP RavMonE North
TP Ring of Fire Mines
TP Ring of Fire Valley of the Sinners
TP SCA North
TP Scott's Valey Northeast
TP Scott's Valley Northwest
TP Ring of Fire Shadows Pass SW
TP Ring of Fire Shadows Pass W
TP Seven Dust North
TP Zmist North
TP nVIR North
TP Ring of Fire Shadows Pass E
TP Ring of Fire Shadows Pass NWW
TP Ring of Fire Shadows Pass NW

Interactive HELL Teleporter, Mob and Locations Map