Cyclops Eye


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Sword Of Justice (L) Blueprint (L) Angelite Crystal 7
Apophyllite Crystal 7
Atacamite Crystal 18
Cyclops Arm 15
Cyclops Eye 20
Cyclops Leg 30
Cyclops Pouch 25
Cyclops Wrist Guard 40
Sword Of Courage (L) Blueprint (L) Apophyllite Crystal 9
Atacamite Crystal 15
Atlantasite Crystal 20
Bornite Crystal 20
Cyclops Arm 35
Cyclops Club 25
Cyclops Eye 40
Cyclops Leg 50
Cyclops Pouch 45
Cyclops Wrist Guard 60
Sword Of Fortitude (L) Blueprint (L) Apophyllite Crystal 7
Atacamite Crystal 8
Bornite Crystal 4
Cyclops Arm 25
Cyclops Club 15
Cyclops Eye 30
Cyclops Leg 40
Cyclops Pouch 35
Cyclops Wrist Guard 50
Sword Of Prudence (L) Blueprint (L) Angelite Crystal 6
Apophyllite Crystal 5
Cyclops Eye 10
Cyclops Leg 20
Cyclops Pouch 15
Cyclops Wrist Guard 30