Grindhouse Tarantino (L) Blueprint


Ingredient Amount TT Markup (%) Total
Alternative Ingot 3 0.03 PED 0.09 PED
Grindhouse Tarantino Death Vinyl 50 0.01 PED 0.50 PED
Kevin Rudolf - In The City Flip Flop 2 0.20 PED 0.40 PED
Motorhead - Ace of Spades Album 2 0.05 PED 0.10 PED
Red CD 3 0.15 PED 0.45 PED
ROCKtropia Record 3 0.001 PED 0.003 PED
Rotten Banana 4 0.01 PED 0.04 PED
Vixen Android Thermal Tank V.D.U 2 0.01 PED 0.02 PED
Sum: 1.603 PED

Product: Grindhouse Tarantino (L)


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